Autors i Autores

Ramon Guillem


Ramon Guillem (Catarroja, 1959) has a degree in Geography and History and he presently works as a library and archive manager.

In his literary activity he is engaged in writing poetry, although he has also written different works of fiction. He has published the collections of poems D'on gran desig s'engendra (From Where Great Desire Is Engendered, 1985), L'hivern remot (The Remote Winter, 1987; 2001), Les ombres seduïdes (The Shadows Seduced, 1990), Terra d'aigua (Land of Water, 1993; 2017), Solatge de sols (The Lees of Suns, 1999), Maregassa (Heavy Sea, 2002), Celebració de la mirada (Celebration of Sight, 2005), Abisme i ocell (Bird and Abyss, 2010) and La set intacta (Intact Thirst, 2014) along with the anthology L'íntima realitat (1981-1996) (The Intimate Reality, 1998) and Desig que sempre mor (petita antologia) (Desire that Always Dies, 2003). For these works he has received awards like the Ausiàs March Prize, the Valencian Writers Critics' Prize, the Serra d'Or Critics' Prize and the Maria Mercè Marçal poetry Prize. In 2017 he received the City of València Poetry Prize for La febre dels dies. His poetry has been included in anthologies such as Ser del segle (Being of the Century, 1989) and Camp de mines (Minefield, 1991). Some of his work has been translated into Basque, Chinese, French, Galician, Hungarian, Russian and Spanish.

Among his works of fiction are the diaries La cambra insomne (The Insomniac Chamber, 1992), which was awarded the Antoni Bru d'Elx Prize, and Com l'angèlica (Like Angelica, 2007), the novels A foc lent (Slow Burning – winner of the 2004 Vall d'Albaida Erotic Literature Prize) and Una nit entre les nits (A Night among Nights), as well as the collection of short stories, Ahir van ploure granotes (Yesterday It Rained Frogs, 1996), which was awarded the Salvador Espriu Prize.

Ramon Guillem was vice-president of the Associació d'Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (Association of Catalan Language Writers) at the País Valencià (Valencian community) between 2005-2013. He is the current director of the Poetry collection for the publishing house Perifèric.

Web page: X. R. Trigo for AELC.
Photographs: Personal files of Ramon Guillem.